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National Organization

National Organization

For over 40 years, the National CASA/GAL Association for Children has worked in service of the national network of CASA/GAL programs. We are headquartered in Seattle, Washington, with an office in Atlanta, Georgia.

Our Reach

We lead the continued growth and development of an extensive national network of CASA/GAL programs, each of which recruits, trains and supports volunteers.


state organizations and local programs in 49 states


dedicated volunteers


children served annually

We provide the following for our member programs:

  1. Training and Curriculum
    We create research-based trainings, such as our e-learning series on educational advocacy, and continuously improve our core volunteer training curriculum. Our annual conference is an opportunity for anyone involved in the CASA/GAL movement to gain expertise that will help them be more effective.
  1. Technical Assistance and Quality Assurance
    We offer extensive technical assistance to help programs serve more children more effectively, and a set of standards that provide a framework for quality program management. Each state organization and local program participates in an assessment process led by National CASA/GAL, and we set membership criteria that programs adhere to.
  1. Volunteer Recruitment and Public Awareness
    We develop and coordinate national campaigns to help programs recruit CASA/GAL volunteers and raise awareness about child abuse and neglect.
  1. Resource Development and Grants
    We provide pass-through funding to state and local CASA/GAL programs through a competitive grants process. Grant funding comes primarily from the Department of Justice, but also from private corporations and foundations.

Learn more about National CASA/GAL’s role in supporting programs nationwide.

Learn about our model.